Power semiconductors are becoming increasingly important in efficient power generation and distribution. Recent developments in semiconductor technology allow devices to operate at higher voltages and handle higher currents. The industry is driving new test and measurement capabilities, such as the ability to switch between states and characterize the device in both high-current and high-voltage modes.
Our EPS150TESLA 150 mm manual probe solution enables high-power measurement capability to characterize devices up to 10 kV (coaxial) and 100 A with chuck options for low-noise, high-power thermal and non-thermal.
Some of the benefits of the EPS150TESLA 150 mm manual probe solution include:
- Protect contact quality over measurement time while achieving on-wafer test accuracy through the most stable system platform design with a vibration-isolation solution
- Triaxial design for low-leakage measurements up to 3 kV
- Dedicated surface coating for lowest contact resistance and impedance for high-current pulses up to 100 A
- High-isolation for 10 kV DC (coaxial) operation voltage
- Measure with a high degree of confidence using high-current/high-voltage probes with replaceable tips
Testing under extreme conditions, however, can be risky, time consuming, and downright dangerous. Fortunately, there are a number of safety features that reduce these dangers and ensure the safety and ease of operation for both the novice and expert user.
- An intuitive operation workflow
- Single-handed adjustment
- A highly-planar chuck surface and movement
- A redundant safety concept with an interlocking shield enclosure
The EPS150TESLA is a dedicated probing solution that comes with everything you need to achieve accurate measurement results in the shortest time, with maximum confidence.
Check out our EPS150TESLA product data sheet (PDF) to see how you can achieve accurate, repeatable, and arc-free high-current/high-voltage measurements all with safety in mind.