Our ReAlign™ technology, previously an exclusive feature on the CM300xi probe station, is now available for the SUMMIT200. ReAlign sets the standard for automated probe-to-pad alignment for those applications that have limited microscope view, such as vertical and Pyramid probe cards. It delivers autonomous semiconductor test at multiple temperatures.
ReAlign for SUMMIT200 delivers a number of benefits, including:
1. High Precision with Near-On-Axis Technology
Vertical probe cards enable testing of advanced devices for applications such as 5G, the internet of things, optical sensors and more. These applications require probing on small pads with low forces and minimum scratch, as well as excellent electrical contact over an extended temperature range.
Vertical probe cards such as our Pyramid probe card meet these advanced requirements with state-of-the-art signal integrity and minimal pad damage. However, the design of vertical probe cards limits the top-microscope view, making traditional on-axis probe-to-pad alignment no longer practicable.
To overcome this challenge, ReAlign for SUMMIT200 utilizes up to three cameras to detect the location of the wafer alignment marks from the top, and the probe tips from the bottom. With the data from the different cameras, the ReAlign software module (part of Velox) aligns the wafer or each die under test properly to the probe card in X, Y, Z and Theta.
ReAlign for SUMMIT200 has been designed as an easy-to-install module with Near-On-Axis Technology. By positioning the cameras as close to the center as possible, the system performs at highest precision over an extended temperature range. ReAlign fits perfectly into the compact footprint of the SUMMIT200.
2. Supports up to Five Auxiliary Locations
To support unattended operation, a new auxiliary chuck has been developed, increasing the number of locations for auxiliary devices to five. The new AUX chuck is capable of holding a 1 x 1 inch custom calibration substrate for our Pyrana probe card, another cleaning or contact substrate and an additional cleaning pad.
3. Easy Swapping Between Applications
The ReAlign module is easily removable to support any other available application layer on the SUMMIT200. It can be reinstalled within minutes.
With a wide range of applications, and upgrade paths to meet any future needs, and now with ReAlign Technology, the SUMMIT200 provides the most advanced 200 mm probe station platform for fast, high accuracy and high-volume measurements for existing and future devices and ICs.
For more information, download the ReAlign for SUMMIT200 Flyer.